What’s it like to study sex? TJ Zawadzki, a PhD candidate from the University of Exeter, will share personal experiences conducting studies on human sexuality across different fields and countries. With an interdisciplinary background in Psychology, History, and Gender Studies, TJ will describe the various avenues for academic work on sex in the Social Sciences and the Humanities. We'll explore intersections of sexuality with religiosity, violence, and science. We'll talk about things like: - How do you study sex in a way that is meaningful and relevant? - How do you communicate your research in an engaging and interesting way? - How do people in and outside of academia respond to sex research? Following TJ's talk, we'll open the floor to questions and see what it is about sex that makes you talk the most.
Come and join us and your fellow PhDs on March 21st, 20:00 at Buckshot Café for an evening about sex. This event is brought to you by the BSS PhD council and GOPHER. If we encounter any capacity problems BSS PhD students are prioritized. All PhD students are offered a first drink!