Do you enjoy organizing events and want to contribute to making PhD life in Groningen more enjoyable? Are you looking for a new group of friends and an inspiring role in the Groningen PhD community? Then, this is you chance! We need you to make it another year of PhD fun.

As the GOPHER board, you will be organizing fun and instructive events for your fellow PhDs.

Applications are open until September 30th.

Available positions:

Chair: You will be coordinating the board and the organization in general. You will have to maintain an overview of the progress of the board and the organization, and will direct and redirect where needed.

Secretary: Keeping up the administration of the organization and coordinating the communication, as the Secretary you are the central administrative person of the board. 

Treasurer: The financial management of GOPHER is in your hands. The budget allocation for GOPHER events, managing participant fees, etc; anything financial you can imagine is yours.

Manager of Recreational Events: Help PhDs meet other PhDs to network, relax and have fun. You will be organizing various recreational and social events to get PhDs out of their office or lab and to explore great events and activities together.

Manager of Educational Events: Coordinating with the University and with companies and partners, you will be organizing events which are more formal and educational in nature. You will help your fellow PhDs have a good time while learning something extra.

Website and Social Media Manager: The GOPHER website and all the social media channels are your domain. The online communication to PhDs and the rest of the world is in your hands. You are the creative poster and promoter of the board and make sure GOPHER and its events are visible to all.

PR and Research Communication Manager: Together with the Chair you will promote and represent GOPHER inside and outside the University. Not only will you promote GOPHER, you will also help PhD students that want to communicate their research or PhD life to the general public.

What you need to know

How does Gopher work?

Occupying any one of the roles does not mean you are restricted to this job. Yes, you will be specializing and have your own tasks, but you will be able to do a bit of all tasks and help each other out with organizing events and bringing in your own ideas.


How many hours should I allocate for gopher?

Between 2 - 5 hours a week


Do I need to have an organizational experience?

No organizing experience is required, but a willingness to learn is indispensable.


What do I get back?

You will meet a new group of friends, develop new skills, gain professional networking and new opportunities, and decide a year of fun events!