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Creative SciComm Photography Workshop (MindMint)

We will explore the basics of photography (composition, exposure, focus, etc.) with minimal tools (e.g. your phone) and with no background knowledge in photography required. This can be helpful for scientific content in some disciplines or simply for accompanying material in popular science articles, outreach activities, etc. 

We will meet around 7pm (location TBA) and discuss the “theory” aspects of what makes a good/creative/interesting photo, and we can already start shooting some photos inside - of each other, of the venue, random objects, etc. Then we will go outside and take pictures in the city or in a park. Golden hour is around 9pm (the sun sets only at 10pm in mid June), so the lighting around that time will make for the best pictures. 

We will have around 15-20 people max (so RSVP asap), and for the outside activities you will be grouped up into teams of three.




At Gopher events, photos are taken for social media. Photos are not used for commercial purposes!

If you have any objections to that, please notify the board beforehand.

Cancellation policy and reimbursement of participation fee

If you are unable to attend an event (paid or free) you have signed up for, please notify the Gopher board beforehand.

Unless otherwise indicated, canceling your registration and reimbursing your paid participation fee can be done until 24 hours before the start of the event. Please make sure you read carefully the registration/cancellation procedures in the confirmation email for each event sent by us.  

For any further questions, contact the Gopher board.