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Every year, 17.000 people in the Netherlands get a cardiac arrest outside of the hospital. That is about 35 people each day. Starting Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) within 6 minutes gives these people the greatest chance of survival. The more people being able to give CPR, the more people will survive.

This year Gopher organizes again two CPR courses.

By following this CPR course, you will learn:

  • How to recognise a cardiac arrest, and how to act;

  • How to give CPR: chest compressions and mouth-to-mouth ventilation;

  • How to use an Automatic Electronic Defibrillator (AED);

  • What to do when someone is unconscious but does not have a cardiac arrest;

  • What to do in case of asphyxiation (choking).

By completing this course, you will get an official CPR certificate by the Dutch Resuscitation Council (Nederlandse Reanimatie Raad), part of the European Resuscitation Council (ERC). Please note that when you register, we will need your full name and date of birth for the certificates.

The course will be given by certified CPR instructors. During the course, all steps of the CPR protocol will be taught in an interactive manner. The course will start with a demonstration, after which the participants will train in small groups on a resuscitation doll.

One complete CPR course will take 3 hours. There are two possible course dates. During registration, please give your order of preference for which course moment suits you best. We will try our best to schedule you on that moment!

There are limited spots available so make sure to sign up asap. Hope to see you there!



At Gopher events, photos are taken for social media. Photos are not used for commercial purposes!

If you have any objections to that, please notify the board beforehand.

Cancellation policy and reimbursement of participation fee

If you are unable to attend an event (paid or free) you have signed up for, please notify the Gopher board beforehand.

Unless otherwise indicated, canceling your registration and reimbursing your paid participation fee can be done until 24 hours before the start of the event. Please make sure you read carefully the registration/cancellation procedures in the confirmation email for each event sent by us.  

For any further questions, contact the Gopher board.