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(FULLY BOOKED) LUXEMBURG TRIP: Luxembourg city and Lac de la haute sûre

Do you want to visit a country with deep historical roots where the distances are short and the impressions are great AND get to hang out with a lot of interesting people along the way? Then join Gopher as we visit Luxembourg city and Lac de la haute sûre.

Trip itinerary

Friday, Sep 30th:

  • 07:00: Meet at Groningen city center (Blekerstraat 26a) and departure (please bring your own lunch as we will be traveling)

  • 13:30: Arrival at Luxembourg city hostel (Check in and leave bags in the rooms)

  • 14:00: Visit of the Luxemburg city center

  • 19:30: Group dinner

  • After dinner: Pub time!

Saturday, Oct. 1st:

  • 10:00: Tour of Luxemburg city

  • 15:00: Travel to castle and to the nature hostel

  • Group dinner at the hostel

Sunday, Oct. 2nd:

  • Morning: nature walk

  • 16:00: Departure from Luxemburg

  • 21:00 Arrival to Groningen

Price: € 100 for PhDs, € 130 for non-PhDs

Included in price: bus ride, two nights in nice hostels, breakfast on Saturday and Sunday, one dinner at the nature hostel, walking tour of the city.

Some minor changes to the schedule might occur.

You will also of course have free time to explore the city yourself!

Please register ASAP as there are limited spaces available.

Registration for this event will remain open until August 15th and only cancelations before August 20th will be fully reimbursed.



At Gopher events, photos are taken for social media. Photos are not used for commercial purposes!

If you have any objections to that, please notify the board beforehand.

Cancellation policy and reimbursement of participation fee

If you are unable to attend an event (paid or free) you have signed up for, please notify the Gopher board beforehand.

Unless otherwise indicated, canceling your registration and reimbursing your paid participation fee can be done until 24 hours before the start of the event. Please make sure you read carefully the registration/cancellation procedures in the confirmation email for each event sent by us.  

For any further questions, contact the Gopher board.