This workshop is aiming to make you feel happy and relaxed! We will start with some simple yoga exercises to loosen up the neck and shoulder area, as well as the entire spine. Then we will do some breathing practices, which will help you to calm your busy mind and to further release tension from the body.
We will conclude with a very interesting practice, which is called Yoga Nidra. You can think of it as a form of deep yet very carefully guided relaxation. The body is fully relaxed, asleep even, but the mind remains awake and follows the instructions. You will be lying on your back in Shavasana, which translates to ‘‘dead man’s pose’’. By the end of the workshop you will hopefully feel physically and mentally relaxed and at ease. We are looking forward to meeting you on the mat!
You will need a (yoga)mat, a blanket and warm socks. Better not to use a pillow under your head during Yoga Nidra, as this compromises the spine, in particular in the region of the neck. And of course it is best to wear loose fitting clothes, or yoga clothing if you have.
This event is free of charge and will take place online via Zoom.
At Gopher events, photos are taken for social media. Photos are not used for commercial purposes!
If you have any objections to that, please notify the board beforehand.
Cancellation policy and reimbursement of participation fee
If you are unable to attend an event (paid or free) you have signed up for, please notify the Gopher board beforehand.
Unless otherwise indicated, canceling your registration and reimbursing your paid participation fee can be done until 24 hours before the start of the event. Please make sure you read carefully the registration/cancellation procedures in the confirmation email for each event sent by us.
For any further questions, contact the Gopher board.